Everett Bankruptcy Lawyers

Everett Bankruptcy Lawyers

Experienced bankruptcy help when you need it most.

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Chapter 7 & 13 bankruptcy help in Snohomish County.

Are you being harassed by creditors? Afraid to answer your own phone? Let us help you get the fresh start that you deserve!

The Everett bankruptcy attorneys that work at our law firm successfully discharge millions of dollars in debt every year. This provides relief for honest people who work very hard in Everett from credit card debts, medical bills, and collection agencies. It also stops those annoying phone calls, lawsuits, and even Everett home foreclosures.

For many of our clients, their finances are not so different from their health.

When you have health problems, you seek out a doctor to help your body heal. Sometimes all you need is a little rest or some prescription medication to feel healthy again. However, if the problem is serious, more drastic action might be required. In extreme cases, your doctor might even recommend surgery. Regardless, doing nothing is no longer an option.

No one likes the thought of having to pursue this course of action. But it is sometimes the best alternative. And, once it is done and your debts are discharged, you will probably feel a great sense of relief. This drastic measure is called declaring bankruptcy, and for many it is simply the best option that in terms of allowing them to fully recover financially.

Our Everett bankruptcy lawyers are full time debt doctors.

Many people in Everett are apprehensive about declaring bankruptcy simply because they see it as financial failure. But, just like any decent doctor would never tell you that surgery for chronic heart disease makes you a failure, our qualified Everett bankruptcy attorneys understand that financial surgery is often the best option for renewed fiscal vitality.

We can help you get the fresh start that you deserve and are legally entitled to having when difficult financial circumstances overwhelm you. When debt accumulates, we understand that you often feel as though you are out of options. The debt collectors keep calling, nasty letters are always appearing in your mailbox, and the weight on your shoulders keeps getting heavier.

Sometimes, it’s hard to determine if bankruptcy is your best option. That’s where we can help. The process starts when you contact us today. After reviewing your finances, we will help you to understand your legal options under the bankruptcy code. This way, you can at least have all of the facts when you make a final decision. We offer financial freedom by getting rid of the handcuffs of insurmountable debt.

Bankruptcy can provide you with an improved credit score.

Just because you’re mired in debt doesn’t mean you don’t still have a financial pulse. A common misconception is that pursing protection through bankruptcy will devastate a person’s credit. In fact, the opposite is true. Generally speaking, most people who decide to purse a bankruptcy in Everett find that their credit actually improves mere months after the process is complete.

When you think about it, this actually makes a lot of sense. Once a person’s debts are successfully eliminated through bankruptcy, their debt to income ratio improves dramatically. Also, because the overall number of accounts with high balances is reduced, this has a positive effect on that person’s overall credit score. Indeed, utilizing our current laws and pursuing will almost always immediately help a person begin reestablishing their credit.

This means that financial health starts to come into focus from the moment you decide to take control of your debt. Of course, each case the Everett bankruptcy lawyers at our firm handle is different, and its success is dependent upon the specific facts and circumstances involved for every individual. It is best to speak with the Everett bankruptcy lawyers at our offices during your initial consultation about how pursuing a bankruptcy will affect your credit.

We will help you keep your property too.

Our Everett bankruptcy lawyers are often asked by clients if they will lose their property when they file for bankruptcy. While it is impossible to say for sure without first addressing the specifics of your case, the overwhelming majority of our Everett clients keep their homes, their cars, and all of their other personal property when declaring bankruptcy. This even includes retirement accounts, and ensures that your hard work to secure your future wasn’t in vain.

In other words, you can discharge 100 percent of your qualifying debt AND keep 100 percent of your property. This is obviously the goal of most Everett home owners who are facing the threat of home foreclosure. There best way to learn how bankruptcy can help you is to contact the experienced Everett bankruptcy lawyers at our offices today.

The Everett bankruptcy attorneys at our law firm will assist you in determining your best bankruptcy option.

When facing a surgical procedure you are often confronted with multiple options. Financial surgery is no different, and there are two different types bankruptcy that can sustain your financial health.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy: wipe out most or all of your debts. Keep your property.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides you with the opportunity to get your creditors off your back by “liquidating” your debt. This could require you to relinquish some of your personal property, but the Everett bankruptcy attorneys at our offices can help to mitigate this loss. There are also specific financial requirements that must be met if you hope to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy: lower your debts. Make affordable monthly payments.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to restructure your debt so that it is possible for you to pay it back over a period of three to five years. Let the Everett bankruptcy lawyers at our offices handle negotiations with your creditors in an effort to eliminate some debts entirely, or have them dramatically reduced. Financial health is achieved because you are then able to make the monthly payments without falling behind and getting caught in another compounding debt cycle.

Determining which bankruptcy option is right for you is something our Everett bankruptcy attorneys will determine at the outset of handling your case. You will have a clear understanding of how your financial future will unfold, and have the peace of mind that goes along with that knowledge.

Understanding your privacy when you file for bankruptcy.

When you go to the doctor, you expect that your health issues will remain private. Obviously, matters of financial health are also very personal, and no one wants a declaration of bankruptcy to become common knowledge in Everett.

While bankruptcy proceedings are not filed in the Everett newspaper, they are a matter of public record. However, it is very unlikely that anyone will ever find out that you filed for bankruptcy unless they are specifically seeking out the information.

Even then, the process is difficult. The online database where people would search for bankruptcy filings in Everett has a complicated registration process, and is tricky to access. If you have concerns about the nature of your privacy when filing for bankruptcy, you should address the issue when you speak with the Everett bankruptcy lawyers at our offices. They will go over the facts about bankruptcy privacy with you, so that you understand what’s at stake.

The benefits of declaring bankruptcy.

Your mental health can be seriously challenged by constantly getting harassing creditor calls at all hours of the evening and throughout the day. Every time the phone rings, you are immediately crippled with anxiety – and many people screen their calls so they don’t have to deal with another futile conversation with a debt collector.

When you utilize the services of an Everett bankruptcy attorney from our offices, they immediately file your case once you have thoroughly reviewed the prepared petition. This will cause what is known as the “automatic stay” to be issued. This makes it unlawful for your creditors to attempt contacting you either by phone or mail. We know that the mental health of you and your family can be entirely as important as your financial health, and in this way filing for bankruptcy aides both causes.

Our Everett bankruptcy lawyers will also help you stem the threat of foreclosure on the home you own in Everett. Obviously, this is very important to any Everett home owner, and can be one of the best reasons to consider filing for bankruptcy. Buying a home is one of the best days of a person’s life, and there is no reason to sacrifice the sanctity of your fireside simply because you fell on hard times.

We will work on your behalf to stop your wages from being garnished.

Some people with debt have had their wages garnished. This usually does more harm than good, and it can create a substantial burden on anyone’s family. The bankruptcy attorneys serving Everett, WA at our firm will work to have any wage garnishment stopped on your behalf.

Reduce or eliminate your credit card debts.

The debts on your credit cards and other bad loans are often the bane of people’s fiscal fidelity. High interest rates from multiple sources cause millions of Americans to keep getting behind on their bills. Once the cycle starts, it can be impossible to get caught up. Let us fight to have as much of your debt eliminated as legally possible under the bankruptcy code, or have the amount you owe significantly reduced.

These are just a few of the ways in which filing for bankruptcy provide tangible benefits to our clients. If you have additional questions, an Everett bankruptcy lawyer from our offices will outline any others in your case when you contact us for your consultation. We will be happy to review your finances and your current expenses, then help you to understand whether or not you qualify for protection.

Get the maximum protection and relief legally allowed under the bankruptcy code.

Moving forward with bankruptcy is not always the best option for people in financial crisis. But, it is often the best solution to very, very difficult financial circumstances. The bankruptcy attorneys serving Everett, WA from our firm are ready to ensure that you get the maximum protection and relief legally allowed under the bankruptcy code. Assuming that you qualify, we will fight to have 100 percent of your debts cancelled while retaining 100 percent of the various property in your possession.

It’s time to get financially healthy, and our experienced and knowledgeable Washington bankruptcy lawyers will work to get you back on track. When you need surgery, you consult a doctor. When it’s time for financial surgery, it’s time to call on of our Everett debt doctors so you can have a brighter, and healthier, future.

(425) 249-7156

Bankruptcy Lawyer, Erin M. Lane

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